The history of grape growing and wine production in the territory of our city, free royal city Modra, reaches far into our past. Turns in it a period of great fame and prosperity with periods of heavy and winding-up. One of the biggest blows to the traditional way of growing grapes and the tradition of family viticultural companies was the period of uniform socialist cooperatives.. Breaking family traditions, separation from the years built and cultivated property built by our ancestors, joint low-quality to tragicomic cultivation of vineyards, bulldozer-terrace liquidation of hunts proven over the years, change of row orientation in vineyards, uniform, poor quality and unreasonable experimentation, suppression of private property, criminalization of business, this is the legacy of collectivization, which most of us are not proud of. Then came the gentle revolution, opened the borders and showed us the image of western viticulture and winemaking, especially Austrian. Image shocking for many, but the image of a train, who ran out of our noses forty years ago. And it had to start from the beginning.
Old wine-growing families dusted off the luster of their name and, mostly on foreign pre-meat plots, embarked on a long and thorny journey to family traditions., on the other hand, "smart" entrepreneurs greased their wallets under the pretext of massive investment in their homeland, they still harvested the ruling vineyards and the ruling government subsidies and left uncultivated vineyards to their fate. Modra waited ten years for the establishment of a joint organization of winegrowers and winemakers. It took so long for winemakers in Modra, to understand, that you can only go forward in this area, that there is no need to be discouraged by unsuccessful attempts, so we can celebrate this year 10 years since the implementation of this idea.
day 23. October 2000 the cozy tavern with Pavel Soldán, in his "Japanese room", gathered six enthusiasts, that they said, the need to build on the tradition of Modra winegrowing associations and so Miroslav Dudo, Pavel Soldan, Vincent Jakubec, Jozef Šimeček, Paul Matuškovič and Vladimir Medlen together founded a new association stavovský, to which they gave the distinctive and proud name “VINCÚR - association of winemakers, growers, experts and wine lovers ". They agreed, it will not go on joint marketing company, but the association will provide a platform for presenting the views and requirements of growers and winemakers, to exchange experiences and, last but not least, to improve friendly and interpersonal relations between Modranské vineyards and winemakers.
Enthusiasm for the new league and new perspectives are reflected in the organization of the first action, which was Svätokatarínska tasting young wines. This attempt had a very good response from the public and it was an impulse to register the association as a civic association and organize several events promoting the work of winegrowers and winemakers in our city and its results., as well as the promotion of the city of Modra. Since then, VINCÚR has not been absent from any vineyard-related event, in other, culture and representation of the city, the biggest event of the Vincúr association is the annual international wine exhibition A category VITIS AUREA MODRA.
During the calendar year, we organize especially those supporting cultural and social events:
– Fašiangová tasting with the right-Modranská sausages
– The international wine exhibition "VITIS AUREA MODRA" ®
– Wine tasting at Vintage Malokarpatskom in Modra
– Svätokatarínska tasting young wines
At the same time, we co-organize other events in close cooperation with MVC and MOSCOW (Open cellars on Sv. Urbana, Wines at the Red Stone Castle, Day in the vineyards, Day of Open Cellars, etc.).
In year 2015 VINCÚR acquired non-residential premises on Štúrová no. 54 in Blue, where the club room of the association together with the tasting room will be established in the near future, where the members of the association will have their wine samples. The number of members of the association is around 40 and the association is very happy to welcome new members, mainly from the ranks of young winegrowers and winemakers, of which there are enough in Modra and they have the enthusiasm and enthusiasm to work on the promotion of Modran viticulture and winemaking.
Vincent Jakubec Chairman of the VINCÚR Association