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winegrowers' association, growers, experts and wine lovers

Establishment of the association

The history of grape growing and wine making on the territory of our city, free royal city Modra, reaches far into our past. Turns in it a period of great fame and prosperity with periods of heavy and winding-up. old winegrowing families dusted the luster of their name and They embarked on a long and thorny path to family tradition.

day 23. October 2000 to in a cozy beer garden in Pavel Soldán, in his "Japanese room", gathered six enthusiasts, that they said, the need to build on the tradition of Modra winegrowing associations and so Miroslav Dudo, Pavel Soldan, Vincent Jakubec, Jozef Šimeček, Pavol Matuškovič and Vladimír Medlen together founded new estate association, who by the distinctive and proud name "VINCÚR - winegrowers association, growers, experts and wine lovers ". They agreed, it will not go on joint marketing company, but the association will provide a platform for presenting the views and requirements of growers and winemakers, to share experiences and last but not least, to improve friendships and interpersonal relations between Modranská wine growers and winemakers.

Enthusiasm for the new league and new perspectives are reflected in the organization of the first action, which was Svätokatarínska tasting young wines. This attempt had a very good response from the public and it was the impulse to register the association as a civic association. Guild VINCÚR lacking in any action relating to the vineyards, in other, culture and representation of Modra.


During the calendar year, we organize especially those supporting cultural and social events


Fašiangová tasting with the right-Modranská sausages


The international wine exhibition "VITIS AUREA MODRA" ®


Day of Open Cellars


Open Cellars on St.. Urbana ®


Wine tasting at Vintage Malokarpatskom in Modra


Svätokatarínska tasting young wines


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